Right To Rent legislation means British nationals without a passport face difficulties according to the Residential Landlords’ Association.
According to its latest survey of members, some 43 per cent say they are less likely to rent to individuals who do not have a British passport because of the fear of criminal sanctions for getting it wrong.
According to the 2011 census – the latest data available – some 17 per cent of people in England and Wales do not have a passport.
Nearly two-thirds of landlords say they are less likely to rent to those who only have permission to stay in the UK for a limited period of time and 56 per cent are less likely to rent to people coming from outside the EU.
The survey found also that 63 per cent of landlords are worried that they will make a mistake or be caught out by forged documents and be unfairly fined.
Just 13 per cent report having found the Home Office’s Advice Line helpful to them.
With immigrants more likely to be in private rented housing than any other tenure, the RLA says it wants swift clarity about the status of EU nationals living in the UK to avoid landlords – or agents acting on their behalf – becoming nervous about continuing to rent to them for fear about what their status may be.